Nagpur Association For The Rehabilitation of
Children and Adults with Orthopaedic and Other Disabilities
Executive Commitee
Executive Body
NARCAOOD Executive Body
Clinical Staff
NARCAOOD Clinical Member
Donars of NARCAOOD
List of Our Donars


  • Solar power (PV) system...installed at Rotary Club of Nagpur Ishanya on 1/07/2022

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  • World physiotherapy day 2022 being celebrated at NARCAOOD center on 8 September 2022

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  • IAPWC NAGPUR DISTRICT , organised "Physiothon" 2022", walkathon for Physiotherapists to mark the occasion of "WORLD PHYSIOTHERAPY DAY", appealing to all Physical rehabilitation community to come together and create awareness of role of Physiotherapists in management and prevention of Osteoarthritis.

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About Us

Nagpur Association for the Rehabilitation of Children and Adults with Orthopedic and Other Disabilities (NARCAOOD) was founded in November ,1958 by the combined efforts of Nagpur Branch of Indian Medical Association (IMA) and the Crippled Children Committee of the Rotary Club,Nagpur . NARCAOOD thus laid the foundation of the organized rehabilitation work through co-operative efforts of I.M.A, Rotary Club, Government Medical College and other Institutions.

NARCAOOD has provided Vocational Guidance and arranged for the employment to the needy making it a total rehabilitation to become useful members of the society.

Credit for all this work goes to eminent personalities like Late Mrs .Kamala V. Nimbkar (for her generous donation of land for this Institute in the heart of the city), Dr. C. Balakrishnan, Dr. P. K. Tamaskar ,Dr. V. Marawah, Dr B. J. Subhedar and host of others . Distinuished personalities like Late Dr. G. K. Gan ,Late Dr. P. N. Pradhan and Shri Babasaheb Kedar adorned the post of Chairmanship of the Society. The institute as it is today owes a debt of gratitude to these pioneering personalities who established the concept of rehabilitation of the handicapped in Nagpur. "Considerable research and survey of paraplegics and disabled were done with help of Vocational Rehabilitation Center, USA"

We are thankful to the Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. For donating Rs. 5 Lakh to the set the activity in motion and M/S Gandhe & Associates for giving free services for drawing the plans of the building.

The charitable organization is run by General body members who elect the executive committee periodically. The organization derives its funds from patients and public donations and membership fees. NARCAOOD has well qualified and experienced staff to cater to its needs of patients.

The foundation of the building was laid by Shri. Balasaheb Deoras on 9th April 1995.

Narcaood House No 3,North Ambazari Road, Dharampeth,Nagpur 440010
Maharashtra State - India Phone: 0712-2522256
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